Minggu, 30 April 2017



Ingredients :
1.      300grams of tapioca or kanji
2.      200grams of the wheat
3.      4 cloves of garlic in the puree
4.      Broth powder to taste
5.      Salt to taste
6.      Pepper powder to taste
7.      200ml hot water
8.      1 stalk of green onion
9.      Powder balado to taste

The steps of making :

1.  First, prepare the necessary ingredients such as garlic that is already in pure, green onion that has been slice, tapioca flour, wheat flour , salt , white pepper , broth , powder balado.

2.  Then, prepare a container the put wheat flour, garlic that is already in pure, seasoning the broth, salt and pepper, then pour enough water into the dough, then input tapioca flour and green onion that has been sliced thin, mix well until the dough can be in the form of.

3.   After, that take the dough a little bit and shape the dough into round, and do so until all the dough is used up. 

4.  Heat the cooking oil in a flying pan, and with oil a lot, fried dough that has been in the form of to the hot oil, back and forth so that it is cooked evenly, then lift and drain, sprinkle with powdered balado in accordance with the tastes. Use low hest when frying and turn off the fire first when oil is considered too hot so that the dough is cooked evenly on the inside and the result is tender and fluffy.

5.  Last, cimol fried balado is ready serve and enjoy.

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